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COSP-10 Side Event: Making Disability Rights Real

Implementing the CRPD through Regional Cooperation with Lessons Learned from ASEAN 

Conference Room 11 


Organizers: Institute on Disability and Public Policy, American University and The Nippon Foundation

Co-Sponsors: The Permanent Mission of Senegal; Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; UNDESA/DSPD; Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies, Institute for Human Rights, University of Alabama at Birmingham; UNESCAP (TBC).  

Overview: As many as 650 million people with disabilities live in the Asia-Pacific Region (UNESCAP, 2013). UNESCAP has led three Decades on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific, and is currently leading the “Make the Right Real” campaign. In Southeast Asia, ASEAN has also developed meaningful regional frameworks for addressing the rights of persons with disabilities and CRPD implementation, including the Biwako Millennium Framework for Action Towards an Inclusive, Barrier-Free and Rights- Based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific. The side event highlights the new book Making Disability Rights Real in Southeast Asia: Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in ASEAN (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017). The book evaluates implications of CRPD implementation for human rights and socio-economic development in ASEAN, offers cross-case comparisons, and lessons learned for regional cooperation to make disability rights real across the world. 

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