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COSP-10 Side Event: Implementation of SDGs and CRPD (co-sponsored by IDPP)

A journey towards strengthened cooperation between the international and regional human rights mechanisms: implementation of the CRPD and SDGs

Conference Room 4




Organizers: TheOffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)  

Co-sponsors: Permanent Missions of Bulgaria, Ecuador, Germany, Tunisia.

Overview: This side event aims to highlight the role of the regional human rights mechanisms for strengthened and aligned implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Sustainable Development Goals. The debate will bring to light common areas of action on implementation of the CRPD by regional human rights bodies and identify and establish methods and mechanisms of exchange and cooperation between regional and international human rights mechanisms, including the CRPD Committee, for enhanced awareness, coordination, and proliferation of good practices.

For a full list of side events at COSP-10, click here.